Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Extraordinary-ness of Sept. 9

Sometimes the small things in life make for the extraordinary. Tonight, it was belly-laughing with Chris and ChellBell. Being silly and crazy at bedtime, laughing so hard that we had to hold our stomachs from the pain, no sound coming out, just tears pouring down.

Moments like that are too few and far between, but worth the wait.

And ChellBell will sleep well tonight.

What was extraordinary in your world today?


  1. I had a great laugh the other day with my friend Tonya. It was just what I needed.

  2. I had a time like that yesterday but it was with my sister. We laughed until we cried over some Jib Jab videos we made.

    Have a great day!

  3. We had a similar laugh fest when I tried to impress my kids with my "moves" when we were rockin' out to the stereo!

  4. Oh, that kind of laughter is so awesome!

  5. Missing your extraordinary moments, Sweet friend! Hope all is going well for you! xox

  6. You guys are just the cutest. I can imagine the three of you laughing and rolling around on the bed together. So cute!

